Internal Lead Form for Customer Care and Sales Associates Click to try the Microsoft Forms version of the Internal Lead Form! Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*). Submitted by: * Your Company: *BortekCIE What kind of lead is it? * —Please choose an option—Equipment Sales & LeasingEquipment PartsEquipment RentalsRepair ServicesCleaning & Janitorial SuppliesOther Contact First Name* Contact Last Name* Company Name* Phone Number* Ext: Email* Address* (of Equipment/Rental/Ship-to) City* State* Zip* What kind of equipment are they looking for?* —Please choose an option—Floor ScrubbersFloor & Parking SweepersScrubber/SweepersIndustrial VacuumsCommercial EquipmentStreet SweepersSewer Jet/Vac TrucksHydro JettersHydro ExcavatorsLeaf Vac SystemsSewer Inspection Equip. / NozzlesOther Notes*: Do you know the part number(s) you wish to order? YesNo Bill To: Same as above Company Name* Contact Name* Address* P.O. # City* State* Zip* Order Information Make Select Make...AdvanceAmerican LincolnARMClarkeCycloneDulevoFactory CatGlobalHammerheadMinutemanNilfiskNite-HawkPowerBossSchwarzeStewart-AmosSuper ProductsTennantTomcatTornadoViperWayneWindsor...Other Model Serial Number Order Parts: Please input as much information as you know and we'll help you find the part you're looking for. Machine Information: Make Select Make...AdvanceAmerican LincolnARMClarkeCycloneDulevoFactory CatGlobalHammerheadMinutemanNilfiskNite-HawkPowerBossSchwarzeStewart-AmosSuper ProductsTennantTomcatTornadoViperWayneWindsor...Other Model Serial Number Concerns / Comments What kind of equipment do they wish to rent?*—Please choose an option—Rider ScrubberRider SweeperWalk-Behind ScrubberWalk-Behind SweeperStreet SweeperSewer Jet/Vac TruckHydro JetterHydro ExcavatorLeaf Vac SystemsOther Desired Delivery Date* Notes* Please describe the problems experienced: Please type your comments and/or questions below: Lead Source (How did they find us?)* —Please choose an option—Current CustomerOnline SearchOnline AdSales RepTrade ShowYouTubeFacebookWord of MouthOther Other source: Please note: If you, somehow, managed to find this page and you’re not one of Bortek’s employees, you can simply ignore what’s here as it offers no value to you. We highly recommend checking out the content on these pages though!! EQUIPMENT PARTS RENTALS SERVICE SUPPLIES