Commercial Cleaning Equipment and Janitorial Supplies for School Facility Maintenance
Get Prepared for the Next School Year of Building Upkeep

For a school to operate smoothly day after day, the importance of cleaning and efficiently stocked supplies can’t be overlooked. One of the best times to eview and update your school’s janitorial supply purchasing and cleaning equipment is during the calm between school years. Without the hectic schedule of daily operation, and with the budget established, the end of summer vacation is perfect for making sure you’re getting the right amount of supplies at a good price and that any aging equipment is fixed or replaced.
Maintaining buildings full of students and faculty requires a multitude of necessities to be on hand. Restrooms may be the first to come to mind, requiring lots of paper towels, toilet paper, and hand soap. If dispensers aren’t already installed, you’ll need those too. Of course, the bathrooms also need to be cleaned regularly as well, so be sure to have plenty of all-purpose cleaners, disinfectants, glass cleaner for the mirrors, and toilet bowl cleaners on hand.
In the classrooms, you’ll want to maintain a stock of facial tissues. And, speaking of kids blowing their noses, make sure to have disinfectant wipes and spray in supply to wipe down all the desks, doorknobs, and other shared surfaces. If your school has carpeted classrooms and hallways, you’ll need an effective vacuum cleaner to quickly cover all of that surface area. Carpet cleaning solutions are also a must for the inevitable spills and messes. Finally, don’t forget trash bags and can liners for taking care of waste management.

If your school building has hard floor surfaces such as those made of vinyl or linoleum tiles, you might go with the old faithful broom, mop, and bucket with soapy water. On the other hand, these days it’s common and recommended to use a floor scrubbing and sweeping machine to clean hard floors. There are several advantages to using a floor scrubber rather than a wet mop. First, a scrubber can clean more area, more quickly, and simply requires the operator to walk in a straight line (or possibly not even that, if you opt for a self-driving robot scrubber). Floor scrubbers also provide a deeper and more thorough clean, since they uniformly brush the floor with the cleaning solution as they go. Also, rather than leaving dirty water on the floor, scrubbers collect the dirty water with a squeegee and vacuum, so you don’t even have to wait for the floors to dry. Depending on the size and type of dirt and debris on the floor, the right kind of scrubber may be able to pick up the solids without pre-sweeping. Alternatively, a variety of sweeping machines also exist for this purpose. The efficiency gained from using floor cleaning machines will pay off in no time when compared to mopping by hand.
Whether you need some or all of the supplies and cleaning equipment mentioned here, we hope that you’ll consider Bortek as your one-stop resource for everything your school needs to maintain a clean and functional facility. Not only do we offer competitively priced janitorial supplies in bulk and some of the best floor cleaning equipment on the market, we also deliver locally and help keep your equipment running with specialized technicians and accessible replacement parts. We want to help you make cleaning as painless of a task as possible. Send us a message, give us a call, or even order online – we’ll be happy to help you solve and optimize your school facility cleaning tasks.
School Facility Floor Cleaning Equipment
Walk-Behind & Rider ScrubbersFloor scrubbers come in a variety of sizes of both walk-behind and rider units. They also have a choice of the type of scrub deck between disc and cylindrical, each with its unique benefits. Pictured above, there are even self-driving scrubbers like the PowerBoss AMR which can navigate predetermined paths and avoid obstacles on the fly.
Dry Sweeping EquipmentSchools use sweepers to pick up solid debris indoors before wet cleaning the floor, and outdoors on paths and tracks, where dirt, leaves, and gravel get in the way. Bortek offers both walk-behind and rider sweepers. The Factory Cat TR Sweeper (pictured above) is especially known for its Made In the USA durability and efficiently designed performance.
Commercial Cleaning MachinesWe didn’t mention it too much in the article above, but there are other types of cleaning equipment a school might need beyond floor scrubbers. A few examples are commercial-grade vacuum cleaners, carpet extractors, floor buffers, and burnishers. Follow the link below to Bortek Shop to see our selection of these other floor care machines.
School Facility Cleaning Supplies
Paper ProductsStock up on paper towels, toilet paper, and facial tissues. Our paper restroom supplies are available in a variety of sizes and fold types to fit your dispenser. Or, you can get a new dispenser as well.
Cleaning ChemicalsWhen it comes to chemical cleaners, we’ve got it all: hand soap refills, general purpose cleaners, disinfectant, restroom cleaners, kitchen degreasers, glass cleaners, and more! Hop over to Bortek Shop to order what you need.
Waste ManagementYou’ll need a lot of trash bags to keep your school clean. Make sure you have enough liners and trash rececptacles for the classrooms, bathrooms, cafeteria, and offices. Available to order in a variety of sizes and thicknesses.